Prayer List
- Bob McDonald, a friend of Randy and Marcia Newell, who has been diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease). ALS is a progressive, disabling disease of nerve cells and motor neurons which control muscle movement. There is no cure.
- Duke Giles: recovering from recent heart attack.
- Lisa Cuneo, suffering with a herniated disk and in a lot of pain. Here's her address if you would like to send her a card this week.
Lisa Cuneo
5366 S. Diana Lynn Dr.
Stow, OH 44224
- The New Year- 2009
- Ralph Serafini: Recovering well at home. Hopes to go back to work part time in January.
- Kevin and Donna Sunderlin: Ask for our prayers as they deal with problems they're having with a neighbor
- Chuck DeLong Jr.: continue to pray for his health
- Linda Archer will be seeing a specialist soon for her leg pain and going through a divorce from Ken. Keep her in your prayers.
- Stan (Bud) Zdroski: Battling cancer.
- Betsy Koehn, friend of Stacy's going through family and financial struggles and is in need of prayer.
- Wayne and Brenda Speer: Upcoming mission trip to Albania
- Margie Wilkes: Recently moved to Brockway (Ruth Harris' sister).
- Ethan Bundy, Melissa Young, and Elizabeth Schweiger: College kids, away from home
- Barb Shaffer, battling breast cancer.
- Bill Coursin, battling liver cancer
- James Connection, remember the children at Angels Place in India and the works of this mission
Updated 12-28-08